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Projects, NaNoWriMo, & Identity | #13

I can’t believe it’s November already.  But here we are. Time for NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month.


We are told to reinvent ourselves by starting from scratch. But the roots of who you are already wait under the layers of ‘shoulds’ the world has given us.

I said I wouldn’t do this to myself again. And yet, I’m doing the 50,000 word challenge for the 11th year. *sigh* Today I’m talking about my love of the fiction-writing community, having multiple projects, and a little bit about how my writing process is part of my identity; and how I need that more than ever this year. #NaNoWriMo #NationalNovelWritingMonth




Share your project journey in the comments below and share any questions you have around your own rooted reinvention.

Thanks for listening!

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