It's natural to feel overwhelmed, Seeker.
The undergrowth has a sneaky way of trapping us before we’ve even realised it’s there.
Our brains are not capable of holding onto so many things at once. That’s not a failure, that’s called being human.
The advice, the ideas, the guidance, the suggestions, the doubts, the shoulds and musts… Even by your own to-do list.
You know ‘what’ to do, but feel conflicted by the different priorities. Perhaps you’re in a ‘tizz’ at the moment and just want to step back and feel able to breathe for a moment.
It’s not your fault no one taught you to handle all of this information. In fact, I wonder if they deliberately keep us from the skills so we have to rely on them.
The pull of your potential, of reinvention, is not some character defect in you.