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Ready to Actually Finish What You Start?

This workshop will teach you the key foundations to:

  • understand why you struggle with projects
  • choose which tasks to focus on
  • craft steps that work towards your bigger goals
  • plan out your energy and motivation

• Are you frustrated by all the unfinished projects and ideas you have started?

• Want to actually complete things and stop over-committing your time and energy?

• Sick of the overwhelm which paralyses you from doing any of it?

How to Finish Projects
(for People Who Start Everything)

Complete your projects, while still feeling human...

Katyrose photo

I see you, Seeker.

You’re stuck.

You start these ecourses, buy the self-help books, try out the 30-day challenges and you just … don’t finish them. You’ve made the start, but you’re struggling to complete things.

There are so many reasons, so many blocks:
* Life gets in the way. 
* You get ill.
* You have a tough day at work.
* The kids are playing up.

I believe the main one is that we just aren’t taught how to… well, be human.

Knowledge, meet Action.

If you want to understand what’s holding you back, feel in control of where you spend your free time and energy, and get shit done – Then this course is for YOU.

In the space of around 3-4 hours, you will know why you’ve found this hard, how to work WITH your natural processes and have a structure to craft a plan that will get your project moving forward again – to completion.

This is self-help, science, and practical strategy for seekers, reinventors and  self-help questers.

trees canopy sky

Learning How You Finish Best

At it’s core, this is a space to understand what’s working, what isn’t, how the human mind and brain are designed to tackle projects, what instincts may help or hinder us, and then move forward with that project, plan or goal.

* Feel more in-control of your life
* Manage your time and energy better
* Get shit done from that to-do list
* Stop over-thinking your life projects
* Free up some mental space
* Actually reap the benefit of projects you start
* Tick that item off of your “one day” list



What's Inside "How to Finish Projects"
(for People Who Start Everything)

Understand Yourself

Knowing why we get stuck, understanding how we change habits and exploring what works for us is the secret weapon to changing what we do.

Practical Worksheets

The ebook has 4 modules exploring the psychology of project completion, worksheets to apply tools , and bonus guides around goal-setting and managing wellbeing, totalling over 70 pages overall, an hour-long summary video and a fillable worksheet.

Video Pep-Talks

Whether your project is to start a daily yoga practise, write that novel, or just complete an online training course, we all get stuck sometimes. I am your cheerleader-and-teacher in one. (Transcripts Provided)

Support & Access

I am only ever an email away from support, high-fives, motivational chats, or questions so that you can truly tailor this to your project and goals.

Signing up includes lifetime access and all future updates.


A portion of all profits are donated to the Mental Health Foundation charity.

Why learn from me?

With over a decade in the wellbeing industry, I have seen the damage done by the lack of teaching life skills in formal education and the expectations upon us.

Having always felt that there was something wrong with me, I sought out the 'truth' via education in psychology (BSc), neuroscience (MSc), and cognitive therapy qualifications (PGCert), and then spent over 15 years implementing my findings through self-development.

I teach skills which merge science, spirit, and self-help strategy - merging practical life experience with academic knowledge so that you get the best of both worlds. Being ourselves doesn't have to feel so damn hard™. 

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What you get:

Laying the Foundations focuses on how to manage your specific blocks and obstacles, and understand your motivation so you can set yourself up for success.
Reflecting on Progress covers project-life-balance, the science behind multiple projects, and setting priorities so that you can feel good focusing on the 'right' project.
Crafting Steps Forward is a planning section for taking baby steps, time-management tips and breaking down goals so you can feel your progress.
Firing Up Motivation is the space to visit when you just can’t be bothered and need that boost to get started (which is half the battle to finishing!)
A Bonus Expansion Pack on goal-setting, self-care and more for managing those "specific to you" difficulties!


A portion of all profits are donated to the Mental Health Foundation charity.

What Students Have Said:

A few words from those who took this course to compete their life projects…

I am a classic 'Many Things On the Go' type of person-I have several courses about 80% done. I LITERALLY was just about to start another project while I have others already started and at different stages, then I saw this course. Message received, loud and clear!!! To put it shortly, this process was a God Send.

Thank you Katy-Rose, for helping those of us who have been stuck in this perpetual cycle of non-completion! Now I am actually making progress, and am feeling more clear and calm in my approach to things.
Michele J
Expressive Arts Teacher
“I was wanting to work on 10 new shiny exciting vibrant projects at once, and I never finish any of them. This ecourse helped me be accountable and gave me a loving little kick up the bum.

This is really helpful: no gimmicks, just straight-forward, grounded advice and simple tips that help you to create consistent action and break down tasks to make it less overwhelming.

Katy's life wins are a testament to the fact that it works but the course is also deeply real and is about owning your mental health, your off days and still making steady progress on what you really want in life.
Nurse & Writer
This is exactly me and I swear the reason I don’t get shit done! A lot of people will benefit from this course - it makes me feel happy inside.

Reading the content actually helps me out of my state of “helplessness” and “I can’t do anything” mode. It’s so clever.

It’s not at all judgemental and I love the way you tell people is OK to be human. Personally, I feel lazy if I’m not productive, when actually it’s just overwhelm and not laziness. I’m going to print out the ebook and keep it on my desk.”
Michelle B
Events Freelancer


Most frequent questions and answers. Got a question not listed here?


This is less “how to write out a to-do list” and more “this is why you’re struggling, and this how to make it easier to complete things.”

If anything, this course will help you to finish and use the other courses you already own by completing them!

No. There are no ‘live’ elements.

This is a self-paced study course. It is designed to be a fast, effective, action-focused journey to take you from stuck to making actual progress.  

The time it takes will depend on your reading speed and how far you are into your project, but the average for those who have completed it is around 3-4 hours. 

Fret not, seeker.

Part of this course is designed to help you prioritise, plan, and actually define the outcome of your project.

There are worksheets and mapping tools to help you both right now, and when exploring future possibilities.

As of 2024, I’ve added an hour-long summary of the key points if you just need a refresher – with a fillable worksheet to complete alongside

I use the term ‘projects’ throughout this course to represent anything that takes your time, attention and energy, which has an overarching aim, goal or theme.

Examples of life projects for me include completing study courses, creating a morning routine, beginning a workout schedule, reading a certain book, or just ‘eating healthier’ across the year.

I always find it a bit daunting to talk about goals – I have a tendency to go after everything at once – but working with Katy was really constructive.

I'm now better at asking for help and have been using the tools Katy taught me to think about how to make life a bit more nourishing. I'm still grateful for that.
“To be honest this was the insight that I needed to see for starters - it's nice to see that I need to do the little steps… I'm just being impatient with myself.

I've gained quite a lot and I’m more comfortable taking the baby steps. Thank you so much I am I'm going to work on my baby steps now... Thanks a million.”
Nutritional Therapist and Chef
Katy-Rose is fabulous. She gently pulls back the layers to show you the real problem and then walks you through the issues to find a solution.

She’s just brilliant. I strongly recommend her to anyone having trouble focusing and finding their way forward!


A portion of all profits are donated to the Mental Health Foundation charity.

Reignite the spark of who you were meant to be. Grab your FREE worksheet here:Let's Shine! ​»