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Reinvention Resources:

Pruning Back Imposter Syndrome
[Creative Fears Are Part of Creativity... - Those of us who feel like imposters often struggle with managing our creative life.
It’s okay that you feel that your work isn’t perfect – that if we aren’t flawless, we aren’t worthy – This is what we have been taught.
But people were also taught that magnetism was magic and the world was flat. Being taught something doesn’t make it inherently true.
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Untangle Your Unhelpful Thoughts
[...without blaming or brain-washing yourself] – Explore how your thoughts shape your behaviour and feelings each day, and what you can do about them.
Learn to respond differently to the thoughts you can’t stop, challenge unhelpful thinking styles, and re-wire your brain to consider more 'helpful' truths with these cognitive strategies.
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Break Free From The Undergrowth
[Constantly Caught in the
Weeds of Overwhelm?] - Ground yourself in the moment and uproot yourself from the undergrowth of overwhelm.
This workbook focuses on separating from immediate panic, guided questions to break free from overwhelm in the next 15 minutes, and setting up systems that keep your mind from getting overwhelmed in the first place.
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Redefine Your Life (without starting from scratch)
[Ready to Delve Deeper] – This 34-page ebook has psychoeducation and practical tasks so you can apply the concepts immediately.
We cover what is currently working for you, why you're driven to make this change, exploring energy and motivation, where you want to focus next and unearthing the roots of who you are to connect you with that inner fire we can all learn to harness.
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Managing Your Full Mind (for beginners)
[Mindfulness Doesn't Have To Be Scary...] - Wish you could connect with yourself more? Because you can. In your own way. On your own terms.
Meditation has become known as 15-minutes sat in silence. But that is not what either meditation or mindfulness are really about. I’m here to show you how even 30 seconds of practise can be transformative.
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Unearth Your Roots Session
[Want Direct Coaching?] - It’s time to learn how to harness the roots of who you are under your conditioning.
It’s time to embrace this new self, without ignoring or discarding everything you’ve done and been before. You’re ready to step into your true self, that potential for feeling alive. You want to reinvent your life, without losing everything you’ve worked to unearth.
It’s not only possible, but it’s worth the work.
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How to Finish Projects (for People Who Start Everything)
[Start But Never Finish...] - If you want to understand what’s holding you back, feel in control of where you spend your free time and energy, and get shit done – Then this e-course journey is for YOU.
We look at the science behind starting and completing tasks, what the human brain can general handle, and how to tweak your actions to improve the flow of your projects to actually get them done.
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