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Because there’s new growth under that soil.


You’ve followed the pull of reinventing yourself for years… and yet, it’s not enough. You still feel uncomfortable in your own skin. You have tried all kinds of self-development tools but progress is slow and temporary.

You’re self-aware, reflective, and you won’t ignore your inner fire any longer. You are willing to deconstruct the lies we’ve all been taught, especially the ones that told you that life is meant to feel this hard.

Those little embers of power want to rise into flame.
But you don’t want to unleash it in case it burns down your life.

In the self-help realm, we are told that if we have felt flawed, wrong, or broken, that we can heal and ‘move on’ from those experiences. So often, we are told to give up our fears, to let go of our past, and to burn the bridges of our ‘old life.’

But those roots are your secret weapon.
You don’t need to separate your experiences. You only need to understand how they connect.


Yet, you don’t want to burn all your progress to the damn ground. 

Do You:

    •        Have a shelf FULL of (mostly unread) self-help books as you tried to know yourself?
    •        Worry about wasting time, back-tracking or losing momentum?
    •        Struggle to turn dreams into doing because of all the conflicting advice out there?
    •        Doubt your ability to make the ‘right’ decision?
    •        Know, deep down, what transformation could look like for you, and beat yourself up for not reaching it yet?

It’s time to stop feeling frustrated with your decisions and trust your instincts.
Step off the circular-path and step onto one leading you forward.
By connecting with your inner strength, you have the power to define your journey.


It’s time to embrace this new self, without ignoring or discarding everything you’ve done and been before. You’re ready to step into your true self, that potential for feeling alive. You want to reinvent your life, without losing everything you’ve worked to unearth.

It’s not only possible, but it’s worth the work.

I’ve found clarity and feel reassured about the next leg of my journey.

"My call helped me to find clarity in my visions and dreams: to map through what I was excelling at and how I could move forwards in other areas. It gave me the reassurance that I was moving towards my potential and allowed me to see how far I had come, as well as new steps to take for the next leg of my journey."
– Aiyana, NURSE


Imagine How Different Things Will be When You:

  • Know where to focus your attention to get results
  • Level up needed skills to complete your ‘main quest’
  • Have ignited that inner fire of motivation and guidance
  • Feel inspired by and excited about life
  • Really understanding the depths of what you are capable of
  • Manage your daily stress and find balance

Together we can get your next step planned out, connect with your motivation,
and reinvent yourself without losing who you already are.

Hai. I'm Katy-Rose.

It’s time to learn how to harness the roots
of who you are under your conditioning

katyrose parrots arm lorikeets

I’ve always been pulled to know myself – believing that to change the world, we need to start with ourselves. But under that, was the feeling that I was ‘broken.’

The drive to ‘fix myself’ took me through a ton of academic qualifications (Psychology, Neuroscience, CBT, Counselling), looking for that sense of being enough.’ 

I tried hundreds of self-help books, got attuned in Reiki energy healing and have tried multiple personal therapies. When I earned my Life Coaching diploma in 2017, I felt something really ‘click’ but it’s only in the combination of these skills that I found the ‘whole picture.’

And this is what Unearth Your Roots sessions are – helping creative wildfires who feel torn between the experiences they’ve lived, their core values, the limits placed upon them, and their desire to grow.

I tried nearly everything to fix myself, and after decades found that reconnecting with our roots really is the key.

Like in trees, our roots grow by natural instinct. They are shaped by the stories we are taught, and weathered through the storms we endure. 

Our trunk, branches, leaves, and fruit all depend on the combination of sunlight and water, connection with other tree’s roots, and those who rely on us in turn

We need to personalise the self-care techniques and productivity information to how *we* are personally wired. This is the approach I now teach to help people take the things they known about themselves, and reinvent their life from the roots of their true selves.


Are you looking for a way to meld all the science, and self-help with your intuition?

Welcome: You’re in the right place.

It was the “Life Kick Up the Bum” that I needed.

“Katy helped unravel me... I felt tied up in mental knots and she teased them out. Talking to Katy definitely woke me up and made me tackle the things in my life that I wasn’t happy with. I was really stuck there for a while. Things got better when I began to see the rejections as a nudge onto the better path. It was a “Life Kick Up the Bum” that I needed. I have plenty of ideas and ambitions to get motivated on but having a focus was an obstacle. I ran 3 times this week, had a lovely hike yesterday and am feeling physically really good. She had more impact than she knows."


The wild is within you


UNEARTH YOUR ROOTS is a coaching session designed to ignite your inner spark, identify what you know underneath the ‘shoulds’, and outline your next action steps – while staying true to who you are.





–A Short Problem-Solving Survey… before we even get on the call, you complete a short questionnaire so that our time is tailored to crafting solutions that work for you, and you won’t have to go over your life history in the session.


A 45-minute Video Call… to identify the fire, ignite your energy & plan out the path ahead… so that you feel confident about where to focus your time and energy, and are motivated to take that next step forward.


– A Customised Action Plan… focusing on what will help you now, in a simple format so that you have clear, realistic steps and feel confident about making changes and take consistent action.


– Unlimited Email / Discord Support… for 4 weeks so you are able to ask questions when you get stuck and put your plan into action: especially when things get difficult.

…All so that you walk away with a direction to begin walking, a plan of action to follow & more clarity on your ‘Rooted Self’.

In this process, we make subtle and profound shifts, because connecting with your true power is limitless.

A single session won’t undo years of habits, but you’ll get to not only experience the work and see how it benefits you, but have a plan to get started on your journey.

If we’re a good fit and you’d like more support, we can explore working together longer-term.

I'm now better at asking for help.

“Katy guided me through the process to a really positive place. I can be a bit hesitant or defensive, but her manner put me at ease straight away. It was very reassuring, especially the way she managed to break things down into manageable steps with a really positive focus. I always find it a bit daunting to talk about goals – I have a tendency to go after everything at once – but talking with Katy was really constructive. I'm now better at asking for help and have been using the tools Katy taught me to think about how to make life a bit more nourishing. I'm still grateful for that."
– Angharad, APOTHECARY

£75 / $99

Are you ready, Seeker?


How to Get Started

If you’re tired of buying self help books but not seeing sustainable results, and feel ready to connect with the fire that can fuel you to be enough, let’s get started.

Psychology, neuroscience & cognitive-behavioural skills blended with intuitive & spiritual experiences enable us to make the best of both worlds. Add in some creativity, cheer-leading and nerdy facts, and we will give those impractical dreams some real-life roots, turning your exhaustion into confident energy.

Step 1: Select the green button below to sign up and submit your payment.
Step 2: Once your payment is processed, you’ll be directed to my calendar to book your session and see the questionnaire as part of this booking process. 
Step 3: When the time comes around, we’ll have our session!
Step 4: You’ll receive your action plan within 48 hours, and weekly email check-ins to help you apply the insights to take lasting action in your life!

Still have questions? Contact me.

£75 / $99

I am meditating more following our session.

"The session was very uplifting, and although structured, sparked deeper perspective and paths to explore. Talking with Katy helped me see that I was being hard on myself and just took the pressure away. Ironically, I am meditating more just through being more gentle on my expectations of myself following our session."


Introvert? Wallflower? The option of typed-only coaching sessions leads to exact notes, and allows for relaxing music as we work together. You can choose if you have video, voice or typed, and even your preference of me on video/voice while you’re not, if you’d feel more comfortable. Just let me know when you pick your session slot.

As with most things in the self-development world, you’ll get out what you put in. I can’t define nor walk your path for you, but if you know time management is tricky for you, we can begin by problem-solving that. I can point out various patterns you may not see from your perspective, and I can help you to read the map when it gets muddy.

I do incorporate some non-scientific wellness aspects into the package, although I also hold degrees in Psychology and Neuroscience as well as qualifications in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, which is evidence-based, Life Coaching, and Counselling Skills so there’s a healthy mix of the two.

I am not a business coach. However, if you know what you want to do, but struggle with motivation, consistency or direction, this session can help you to problem-solve blocks towards your goals – business or personal. 

Cancellations or did-not-attends are non-refundable. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis at my discretion for emergency and illness.

I begin with one session to see if we’re a good fit, and to ensure that you can ‘try’ out the methods I use. If you decide you’d like more regular sessions or a package, we can definitely discuss the options for this.

» I believe that humans are more capable than we realise.

» I believe in melding spirit, science, & experience to craft what works for you.

» I believe that we seekers are here to make connections, to share the links, & help build a more cohesive understanding of life.

» I believe curiosity & knowledge are required for humans to feel purpose or accomplish things.

» I believe our mind & body are interlinked that we can control some parts of one by controlling the other (for example: anxious thoughts = fast heartbeat).

» I believe that the black-and-white response & expectation of a “norm” is harming us.

» I believe we change the world by changing who we are & letting it ripple outwards.

» I believe that we can harness our sense of drive, energy, & motivation through knowing ourselves well.

» I believe that melding direction, conviction, & self-knowledge leads us to live a Life Inspired™.

katyrose black and white

Katy knows the inner and outer worlds need to be integrated.

“What really struck me about working with Katy-Rose the most was how quickly she understood and validated the difficulties I experienced with the vague, “inner-only” approaches to self-improvement. I’m heartened she is in the world doing this work!”

£75 / $99

Reignite the spark of who you were meant to be. Grab your FREE worksheet here:Let's Shine! ​»