
Want to Reinvent Who You Are
(without starting from scratch?)

This workbook will teach you the key foundations for:

  • understanding what you want
  • choosing your next steps
  • crafting the life you want (from the roots of who you currently are)

This is for you, if:

• You feel stuck, lost, and disorientated. Yet, you know you are ‘meant-for-more.’

• You are driven to evolve, to be good enough, to prove who you are.

• You feel conflicted by the “trust your intuition” versus “the real world needs practical habits” approaches to self-help and want to utilise both.

The Four Steps to Redefine Your Life

i: Define Your Why
ii: Balance Your Energy
iii. Reflect & Redefine
iv. Craft Your Vision

Katyrose photo

I see you, Seeker.

You’re stuck.

You’ve followed the pull of reinventing yourself for years… and yet, it’s not enough. So often we reinvent ourselves by burning the bridges from our old life. But those foundations have strong, positive roots and it’s possible to craft your new normal without discarding everything you’ve worked to become.

The pull of reinvention is not some character defect in you.

Knowledge, meet Action.

If you want to understand what’s holding you back, feel in control of where you spend your free time and energy, and get shit done – Then this workbook is for YOU.
Understanding the reasons for this drive is like knowing how much fuel is left in your car.

Knowing some mechanics of how to make your soul, practical mind and physical brain wires cooperate with the process…  Is like having your hands on the steering wheel.
This is self-help, science, and practical strategy for seekers, reinventors and  self-help questers.

What You Get:

Rather than make a 150-page workbook with 4-hours of videos, I've cut out all the fluff and left in just the information and exercises that will help you move forward a step or two, without overwhelming you with a 5-year-plan.

The workbook is 23-pages with room to write out answers after each bit of information so that you can apply the concepts immediately.

The worksheets end with a summary and checklist to help you move through the process multiple times without having to re-read it, too.

Why Learn From Me?

With over a decade in the wellbeing industry, education in neuroscience (MSc) and psychology (BSc), and 15 years exploring self-development, I offer practical teachings which merge science, spirit and strategy.
I teach with enthusiasm, merging practical life experience with academic knowledge so that you get the best of both worlds.

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£17 / 23$

A portion of all profits are donated to the Mental Health Foundation & Mind mental health charities.

What Students Have Said:

A few words from those who I have supported on the journey to compete their life projects…

"I am a classic 'Many Things On the Go' type of person-I have several courses about 80% done. I LITERALLY was just about to start another project while I have others already started and at different stages, then I saw this course. Message received, loud and clear!!! To put it shortly, this process was a God Send.

Thank you Katy-Rose, for helping those of us who have been stuck in this perpetual cycle of non-completion! Now I am actually making progress, and am feeling more clear and calm in my approach to things."
Michele J
Expressive Arts Teacher
"I got some great insights. I’m always pushing myself harder than I should. I felt the sessions were helpful in giving me a method to reflect, and they didn't take a huge amount of time.

They confirmed what I have felt for a long time - that even though I am productive, I still feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

This program definitely gave me new ways of looking at things."
Women's Coach and Mentor
"This is exactly me and I swear the reason I don’t get shit done! A lot of people will benefit from this course - it makes me feel happy inside.

Reading the content actually helps me out of my state of “helplessness” and “I can’t do anything” mode. It’s so clever.

It’s not at all judgemental and I love the way you tell people is OK to be human. Personally, I feel lazy if I’m not productive, when actually it’s just overwhelm and not laziness. I’m going to print out the ebook and keep it on my desk.”
Michelle B
Events Freelancer

The Small Print

- As this is an instant digital download, there are no refunds.

- No part of this workbook is given as medical or legal advice.

- Please also note that a percentage of all sales are split evenly between two mental health charities: Mind and The Mental Health Foundation. See my Terms and Privacy for further details.

- Got a question not listed here? Email katyrose@rootedreinvention.com and let me answer it.

£17 / 23$

A portion of all profits are donated to the Mental Health Foundation & Mind mental health charities.

Reignite the spark of who you were meant to be. Grab your FREE worksheet here:Let's Shine! ​»