Welcome to another episode, where we look at fun things like feeling guilty for our very existence! …Yeah, it’s a fun one.
We are told to reinvent ourselves by starting from scratch. But the roots of who you are already wait under the layers of ‘shoulds’ the world has given us.
#RambleAlert I’ve gotten good at showing up, playing the part, getting the ‘win’ but it’s hollow and during a recent conversation, my life coach called me out on it. So I shared the cognitive load, the pressure I put on myself, and the practicality of being dictated by the culture I grew up within.
Today’s Quote: “I’m not a shark, I won’t die if I stop thrashing around for a minute.” #smashthepatriarchy #takeadamnrest #tadalist
Have you ever found yourself in this space? With to-do list items that exist purely to help you justify your existence?
Share your thoughts in the comments below!